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Third Former gains Diploma and place in National Children's Orchestra

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Third Former gains Diploma and place in National Children's Orchestra

A Third Former has this week achieved his ATCL and gained a place with the National Children's Orchestra.

Richard P (Rb) has achieved his ATCL Diploma on the flute in just the Third form, which is an exceptional achievement for such a young student. He has also recently been offered a place with the National Children’s Orchestra (NCO) for this year, clearly a very talented young student.

Richard has been learning the flute for 5 years, it was very apparent from the offset that he had natural talent and determination. He quickly moved through the grades, achieving a distinction in his ABRSM grade 8 flute exam. Richard has competed in many competitions, winning first place alongside much older peers. He has very quickly adapted to life at Shrewsbury and is a very enthusiastic member of many ensembles, he has worked tirelessly since September, performing as often as possible in preparation for his ATCL diploma.

Richard should be very proud of the achievement that he has made at only 13 years old. It is very exciting to think where he will go from here. 

Katy Landon

Head of Wind, Brass & Percussion

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