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Musician accepts Scholarship to Royal Academy of Music

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Musician accepts Scholarship to Royal Academy of Music

A sixth former will be heading to London in September after accepting a scholarship to a world-renowned academy. 

Jay W (SH, UVI) has been successful over the holiday period, gaining offers and scholarship awards from some of the country’s top Conservatoires (Music Colleges).

The Sixth former plays the viola (and the violin as well) and wants to make a career performing. He has accepted the scholarship he was offered from the Royal Academy of Music in London and will start in September. The RAM is known for outstanding string playing and world-renowned professors.

Jay will be taking part in the Concord concerto competition later this term, where last year he played the viola in the final. This year he is in the final again with the astonishing ‘Zigeunerweisen’ for violin and orchestra by the Spanish composer Pablo de Sarasate.

Jay said: "It has been my dream to study at one of the Royal Schools of Music and I can’t wait to work with the professors in such a world class setting."

David Joyce

Head of Strings



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Musician accepts Scholarship to Royal Academy of Music