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Fifth former receives scholarship to sport mentoring programme

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Fifth former receives scholarship to sport mentoring programme

A fifth former has been offered a scholarship for a sports mentorship programme that will help with her sporting career.  

Amelia B (MSH, V) has been offered a scholarship on the True Athlete Programme, a worldwide sporting charity that works with athletes and coaches, helping them through mentors. This gives them the best opportunity to succeed in their sporting careers. This programme challenges athletes to think of sport on the mental side as well as the physical side; this includes mental wellbeing and mindfulness.  

Amelia said: “I saw an advertisement online about the mentoring and I filled out the application form. After my form was sent, I got selected to do an interview. This involved talking a lot about my sporting career as they were trying to get know me and see whether I could benefit from this scholarship.  

“The mentoring scholarship entails me having a one-to-one zoom call once a month with my mentor, talking about how my sport is going and any mental attitudes I can change to improve my outlook, in my sport and out.” 


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Fifth former receives scholarship to sport mentoring programme