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Salopians and Community Choir collaborate for St Chad's Concert

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Salopians and Community Choir collaborate for St Chad's Concert

Saturday evening saw another wonderful collaboration between the Shrewsbury School Community Choir and pupils from Shrewsbury School.  

This term’s musical performance was that of Haydn’s large scale choral masterpiece, ‘The Creation’ which draws on the literary influence of the Book of Genesis and John Milton’s epic poem, ‘Paradise Lost’, depicting and celebrating the Creation of the World.  

The large scale choir included members of the Chamber choir who were able to enjoy singing large scale choruses such as ‘The Heavens are Telling’ and ‘Achieved is the Glorious Work’ whilst it was also an opportunity to listen and learn from three wonderful soloists, all pursuing freelance solo performing careers.  

The large orchestra for this performance was assembled from local musicians but also included pupils from Shrewsbury School and it was a considerable accolade to all of them who held their own in a work lasting nearly two hours.  

All must be congratulated for their dedication and commitment to such a concert in St. Chad’s and looking forward to next term, the link between the school and the local community will be musically centred on a programme of choral music and brass with the centrepiece being John Rutter’s uplifting ‘Gloria’. 

Richard Stafford 

Deputy Director of Music  


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Salopians and Community Choir collaborate for St Chad's Concert