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Shrewsbury cricketers excel as sun finally shines in cricket season

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Shrewsbury cricketers excel as sun finally shines in cricket season

Following one of the wettest starts to a cricket season in recent memory, Shrewsbury's cricketers have been excelling on all fronts since the sun has begun to shine!  

Our girls have had an extremely strong start to the term, with the U15, U17, and U18 sides all reaching the last 16 of their respective National Competitions. In the U17 fixture against Ellesmere College, Esther H (EDH, LVI) and Jenny O'B (MSH, LVI) shared an incredible partnership of 172, with Esther finishing on 80 and Jenny 54. 

Theo W (PH, LVI) earned a deserved promotion to the Warwickshire CCC Academy, which was swiftly followed by his selection for their 2nd XI aged just 17 and struck his maiden 50 in a T20 fixture against Somerset. Rhys L (Rt, UVI) has also appeared for Middlesex 2nd XI this term, and with Jack H (Rb, LVI) and Louis H (S, V) both attached to Worcestershire CCC, our relationships with 1st Class Counties continue to flourish. 

Theo and Jack have also been in action for the Shropshire CCC senior side, appearing alongside four Old Salopians who have graduated from Shrewsbury to play National Counties cricket. With over half the Shropshire side made up of past or current pupils, the pathways into representative cricket are clear and well established. 

Participation is cricket is extremely healthy, with training for 14 sides taking place daily, well over 140 cricketers involved in our competitive fixture programme, as well as a thriving House Cricket programme.  

During the first half-term, the school teams were victorious in every single cup fixture we played - a remarkable achievement from all involved. The second half-term promises to be exceedingly busy! 

Adam Shantry and Gwen Davies

Cricket Professional and Head of Girls' Cricket

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Shrewsbury cricketers excel as sun finally shines in cricket season